
Does money bring happiness?

Posted on 5 October 2017

Financial Planning

This article focuses the reader on the relationship between money and happiness, instead of talking about the usual role financial planning takes, then connects the two. Although the concept applies to all ages, this article is probably more applicable to younger generations who might think financial planning is focused just on retirement.

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What is GDP – and why you should care

Posted on 5 October 2017

Financial Planning

Most people’s eyes glaze over when the term GDP is used in a market outlook or economic report – but it is an important indicator of what’s happening in our economy and the flow-on to everyday Aussies. This article provides a frank explanation of GDP and how it affects us all.

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Switch and save

Posted on 5 October 2017

Financial Planning

With increasing energy bills, Australians are being urged to make changes to their power usage to save money. This short article gives five simple tips (reminders) on the easiest way to cut power costs and diverting that money to more enjoyable pursuits.

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